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A member registered Sep 20, 2020

Recent community posts

Aaah that kiss scene was was so cute! This is seriously one of my favorite VN projects and everytime I see it update I get excited. Keep up the awesome work please!

This is one of my favorite VNs of all time! I really love each and every one of the characters. But I keep wondering... is there ever going to be an option to pursue Eric? He's super cute :D

Awesome! Thanks for getting back to me so fast!

I'm interested in streaming this game, about how many hours of content are there in a play through? 

I'm really loving this game. Just a note about the new update 0.6.4 for mac. You will need to uninstall and reinstall the game. Otherwise you will get an exception error for missing sprites that prevents you from continuing to play the game. At least this was my experience. Uninstalling and reinstalling the game fixed it though. 

I just finished Diego's route and it was just so good. He feels so relatable and the writing really made me feel a lot of empathy and affection for him. It will be interesting to see how routes for other characters handle him not getting together with the MC. I play a lot of these kinds of games and many times I have a sense of guilt whenever I play routes for other characters past my first one because it feels like I'm hurting a character I already have a connection with. This VN in particular feels like this would be the case since its hard to imagine Diego being happy without the MC in his life. That being said I'm really excited to see where this story goes next. On top of amazing art the writing is just seriously top notch. 

Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you. I really enjoyed the story so far and while there was a little bit of inconsistency in art, it honestly wasn't that noticeable. Please take time to take care of yourself. You deserve it. Your story has real promise and even if its not a VN I'd really love to see you do something with it in the future. I hope 2021 finds you happier, healthier and ready to accept whatever challenges come your way. 

Everyone has their own preferences, but for what its worth I really enjoyed the intro and thought it was pretty neat. Not something I had seen other VNs I've played do. It gave me a good idea of the tone and art style. I appreciate the effort.

Thanks for making this awesome visual novel! All the characters are really well designed and the dialog feels really natural. I hope we learn more about Ted's backstory soon. 

I'm working through playing all your visual novels. I just finished both endings for Leo's route as my first play through and wow. Each option is incredibly sad, but also unavoidable. I enjoyed them both immensely and after getting the more negative ending for Leo first I was really appreciative of the alternative, even though it still really hurt. Thanks so much for making such great stories and beautiful artwork to go along with them. This story has challenged me more emotionally than I was quite prepared for. I can't wait to dive back in to try a different route, get closer to other friends in the group and hopefully learn more about the mystery of Echo. 

Possible spoiler for Adastra and Khemia: 

I especially appreciate how the concept of the other that we see in Adastra is already present in this earlier work. How it manifests across the universe in small pieces and larger concentrations plays out really directly here. Brian's arc and his experience in the mine was especially chilling. I don't know if I've ever hated a character as much as him and been so satisfied with the conclusion of their story. The ways in which the other gets its tendrils into him and appears to him in different ways is not only disturbing and moving, but probably not too far off from real life.

I just finished Adastra (which was a phenomenal intro to VNs) and was so happy to see this continuation of the story in this universe. Getting to return to familiar locations and characters for a new story each month is making me so happy. I wasn't ready to leave this world at the end of Adastra and this seems like its going to shape up to be a fantastic addition to the storyline.